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Early Intervention ABA Therapy

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Early Intervention ABA Therapy

Center-Based ABA

Center-Based Therapy Can Help Your Child Get Classroom Ready

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely used and evidence-based approach for individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). ABA therapy can be implemented in different ways, and one specific approach is center-based ABA therapy.

At Phoenix Autism Center, we treat children from 2 through 6 years of age. For the youngest kiddos (ages 2-4), our skilled professionals focus on fostering essential skills such as communication, social interaction, and behavior management through engaging and tailored activities that involve interactive play sessions, structured learning games, and age-appropriate exercises that aim to enhance cognitive and motor skills. We incorporate play-based interventions to make the therapy experience enjoyable for the children while promoting positive behavior.

child getting classroom ready

The kiddos that are ages 4-6 have a more structured treatment plan that involves more consistent table time and helps prepare the kids for school-based learning. There is still time for play, but greater emphasis is on a schedule that involves specific activities for a set amount of time as we work towards the goals set by the treatment plan.

Benefits of Center-Based Programs

Consider these benefits of center-based programs:

  • Structured Environment: Center-based ABA therapy takes place in a structured and controlled environment. This is especially beneficial for kiddos with autism because they typically thrive with clear routines, predicable schedules, and consistent stimuli.
  • Specialized Staff: Our knowledgeable staff and their training also play a critical role in the quality of our program at PAC. Research shows that the frequency and quality of supervision is tied first-hand to program outcomes.
  • Social Interaction: Center-based ABA therapy provides opportunity for social interaction with peers, and a space where children can imitate each other’s behaviors, further supporting your child’s social and emotional development.
  • Supervision: A center-based approach allows for consistent implementation of ABA principles across different situations. This consistency can contribute to more effective learning and generalization of skills.
  • Parental Support and Training: Our center-based ABA programs include opportunities for parental involvement, support, and training.

We believe that center-based ABA treatment offers comprehensible and important advantages over in-home treatment for children but recognize the importance of combining center-based with in-home therapies to ensure greater consistency for the child, and stronger outcomes for the whole family. Our therapists come to your home once a week to work with your child in the home setting, which aids the entire family in aligning on the behaviors, goals and outcomes.

The choice between center-based and other ABA therapy options should be based on an individual assessment of your child’s needs, preferences, and family circumstances. Consulting with professionals, such as behavior analysts, can help you make an informed decision tailored to your child’s unique profile and circumstances. Phoenix Autism Center is proud to offer customized treatment plans for each child that comes to us.

How do I get Started?

Before starting center-based ABA therapy, a thorough assessment of your child’s skills, strengths, and areas of need will be conducted. This assessment guides the development of an individualized treatment plan that addresses specific goals and targets for your child’s development.

Critical to the success of the program for your child is collaboration between parents, and our staff. We’ll meet with you regularly to discuss progress, share insights, and provide training on implementing techniques at home. And when the time is right, we’ll help with a transition plan to a school setting for your child.

We invite you to visit our center and talk with us about how we can best serve your child’s individual needs, and your family’s preferences. For more information, reach out for a free consultation. Our staff is standing by to help your family navigate the challenges of a child with autism today.